God created us with the ability of free choice and along with that attribute comes the ability to be influenced either by choice or by no choice. No choice doesn't mean to be forcefully influenced but influenced in a way that you might not be aware of. Just watching TV can influence you. Years ago there was a situation called "subliminal advertising" which is now illegal where movie theatres could put one frame of a picture of a particular refreshment they were selling in one frame of the film. Your eye couldn't see it but your mind did! It would make people thirsty or hungry where they then would go out to the lobby and buy the items! It still might be used in different places today.
But the point that I'm trying to make is that we are influenced, good and bad, and that influence will eventually show up in our lives. That is what happened to me. I was influenced by my father, school, the NAVY and college to believe that there was no God. So pick up the book and try to get it to someone who does not have a relationship with Jesus. Let the book influence someone! It is sold on Amazon right now. $9.99 won't break the bank! Here's a link to Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=put+your+hands+up+an+arrest+warrant+from+god&i=stripbooks&crid=SXM05WL5Z52F&sprefix=put+your+hands%2Caps%2C157&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_14
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