Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Alarm Clock is Ringing!

It's Saturday morning and I'm just sitting drinking my fresh coffee looking outside at the morning sun. I ponder over the latest events in my life and begin to ask God why. . . and what is going to happen? Did you ever get there? Even as a Christian, I wonder why and what will happen and God knows that I ask those questions just like millions before have asked the same. Nothing new for HIM. He knew we would ask those questions.

So I'm sitting outside just seeing the world going by and the continuation of all the problems that are going on. When I take the time just to sit and talk to God, sometimes He answers me right then. It's in His Word what is going on and what will happen. He said as in the days of Noah, so shall it be when He returns. You see, right before the flood, life was just going on and on. People working and partying and not willing to hear or see the truth about what God says. They choose to be blind and disregard what is being declared. It's like your alarm clock going off and off and off and you not acknowledging it. Don't you hear it ringing and ringing and ringing?

In Noah's time, people just scoffed him because who ever heard of building a huge boat on land? It must have been some sight! I could see how people would make fun of such a thing. But all they had to do was listen to what Noah was saying about God. But they didn't and God knew that.

This morning I sit and think of all the topics occurring in the world: Isis, Nuke talks with Iran and their talk of bombing Israel, our elections, Law Enforcement under attack, Black lives matter, police lives matter, abortion, California fires, Russian military invading Ukraine, Clinton's email problems, the EPA floods, shooting in churches, malls and schools, and the list goes on and on. Somewhat depressing because I never grew up with all these things happening.

So as in the days of Noah, so it is today. Jesus said all this would happen BUT we are supposed to discern these events and understand that He
will be returning soon. Of course, as a former atheist I used to scoff at Christians who told me about "end times" also. But now my eyes have been opened because I CHOSE to seek the truth. After all, in the "norm", end times talk sounds like something in the movies. Of course, when your eyes are opened to the truth, you see that it is Satan who uses the media to deceive the world just like Jesus said he would. I was deceived but now my eyes are opened. Jesus said that no man knows the "day or hour" of His return, not even Jesus knows when... only God. But Jesus said that we are to be ready at all times because just like a thief in the night, He will return BUT that we are to know the signs of His return! The signs are all around us. Yes, we've had problems like these for many years but never all at the same time! Have you taken time to seek the the truth in the Bible? 
                                    THE ALARM CLOCK IS RINGING. . . . . .     


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

It's All in Your Mind!

How's your brain today? Your mind is a storehouse of all the things that have entered it from that day you were born. Your brain is like your computer hard drive. Sometimes you have to defrag it to clean it up so it functions better. What's stored up in your mind will determine your attitude.

Each day you see and hear things that go into your mind which will effect your attitude at some point in life. We all have a tendency to become the people we hang with. So, who are your friends? The Bible says, "As a man thinks, so is he". What do you put in your mind each day? What is in your mind, will eventually come out! What you put in your fridge, you will eventually eat!

The attitude you have keeps you going or stops you dead in your tracks. You have a choice to make decisions in your life each day. We make excuses and blame others for the situations we get into. Much of the problems we face are due to the bad attitude we have. How many times officer, have you gone on a call and the other officer, who showed up had an attitude that raised the problem worse!

You have seen all the videos and news reports about officers getting into trouble because of their actions. But remember that those actions had a foundation from the mind. We will always have problems that we must face and most we didn't expect but it is what we have put in our minds determines how we react to those problem. You are not a puppet controlled by someone else. Yes, there are rules and laws we must obey created by someone else but we do have a choice how we react. No one is perfect and we all make bad decisions at times but we have a choice of how we deal with those mistakes. It's only God that can really clean your hard drive.

Today, take some time and think about your life, what you look at, what you listen to and who are your true friends. How you look at those things will determine your future starting now. Maybe it's time to defrag your mind for there is no "undo" button in your mind.