Each day you see and hear things that go into your mind which will effect your attitude at some point in life. We all have a tendency to become the people we hang with. So, who are your friends? The Bible says, "As a man thinks, so is he". What do you put in your mind each day? What is in your mind, will eventually come out! What you put in your fridge, you will eventually eat!
The attitude you have keeps you going or stops you dead in your tracks. You have a choice to make decisions in your life each day. We make excuses and blame others for the situations we get into. Much of the problems we face are due to the bad attitude we have. How many times officer, have you gone on a call and the other officer, who showed up had an attitude that raised the problem worse!
You have seen all the videos and news reports about officers getting into trouble because of their actions. But remember that those actions had a foundation from the mind. We will always have problems that we must face and most we didn't expect but it is what we have put in our minds determines how we react to those problem. You are not a puppet controlled by someone else. Yes, there are rules and laws we must obey created by someone else but we do have a choice how we react. No one is perfect and we all make bad decisions at times but we have a choice of how we deal with those mistakes. It's only God that can really clean your hard drive.
Today, take some time and think about your life, what you look at, what you listen to and who are your true friends. How you look at those things will determine your future starting now. Maybe it's time to defrag your mind for there is no "undo" button in your mind.
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